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 Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)

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Age : 39
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Registration date : 2010-03-11

Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Empty
PostSubject: Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)   Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Clock_9Fri 2 Sep 2011 - 14:09


I recently bought a Konami Police 24/7 arcade. I noticed in the gun test screen that the gun sometimes registers but mostly not (bullet hole appearing on screen).
I checked cables/connectors but on first sight nothing is wrong. Could the gun sensor pcb itself be faulty or do I have to search the problem elsewere? Are these parts still for sale somewere?
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Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)   Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Clock_9Sat 3 Sep 2011 - 10:09

It should be the wires, as this is a very common trouble in guns games.
Try to stretch the wire when testing and see what's happen.
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Number of posts : 10
Age : 39
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2010-03-11

Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)   Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Clock_9Mon 5 Sep 2011 - 14:07

The strange thing is that about 1/3rd of the time, the gun registers, even when not moving the cable.
Stretching and twisting the cable does not improve the situation.
What would you suggest? Try and open the cable up or to search for a replacement?


I was testing the game with the gun open. I noticed when I close the gun, it almost never registers.
Holding the gun still and triggering, it registers when open, and stops when closing (no light). Very bizarre.
This makes me think external light has an influence on the gun pcb. Could replacing the emitter solve the problem? Can this part be bought somewere?
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Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)   Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Clock_9Mon 5 Sep 2011 - 19:28

wingwalker wrote:
Could replacing the emitter solve the problem?

It sounds strange indeed but it might works...

wingwalker wrote:
Can this part be bought somewere?

You may obtain parts from Avranches (France) or Electrocoin (UK).
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Number of posts : 10
Age : 39
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2010-03-11

Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)   Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Clock_9Tue 20 Sep 2011 - 13:02

The problem is not the gun (I checked the cable, and replaced the optical sensor).
I noticed the problem partially dissapears with adjusting the brightness/focus of the monitor. This means the gun registers left, center but not on the right side(5cm from right side) of the display. What does this mean and how can I solve this problem?
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Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)   Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Clock_9Tue 20 Sep 2011 - 13:31

It "might" be the gun sensor that is becoming weak with time.
Or maybe it's you monitor.
I i was you, i will try with another gun/sensor, or with another monitor. Then wou will know wich one is wrong.
Can you open the weapon and see what kind of sensor it is?
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Number of posts : 10
Age : 39
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2010-03-11

Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)   Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Clock_9Tue 20 Sep 2011 - 14:05

I did replace the IS489 gun sensor already, then it must be the monitor? What do you mean by a weak monitor?
Can it be repaired (e.g. by replacing all capacitors?)
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Giga member
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Number of posts : 547
Age : 42
City : Liège
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2011-01-17

Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)   Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Clock_9Tue 20 Sep 2011 - 15:59

Idont know.
Just do the test, then you will know if it's the monitor or something else. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami)   Police 24/7 gun problem (Konami) Clock_9

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