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 Problem with House of the Dead2

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3 posters

Number of posts : 13
Age : 68
Country : Netherlands
Registration date : 2009-05-15

Problem with House of the Dead2 Empty
PostSubject: Problem with House of the Dead2   Problem with House of the Dead2 Clock_9Sat 16 May 2009 - 0:10

Hi guys,
I recently bought a House of the Dead 2 arcade machine which was working fine untill I noticed that the second gun didn`t react as it should be Confused I opend the gun and thought the microswitch needed to be replaced, so I did, no luck the gun didn`t fired after the replacement at all Evil or Very Mad , Then I thought the sensor from the gun was faulty, I took the sensor from the first gun which was working fine and placed it in the sencond gun, nobody home again Crying or Very sad placed the senor back in the first gun and it fired, but after a while the first gun stopped also to shoot Evil or Very Mad conclusion I`m left now with 2 guns that both refuses to work..

I looked on the internet so search for a new sensor(which I think causes this problem ?) but men my eyes popped out when I saw the price !!!.. between $230-$300 dollars for this small item Evil or Very Mad.
Suzo Netherlands asked 209 euro`s for one sensor without TAX and shipping !!!

My questions are : does someone overhere is familiar with this problem? am i right that the sensors should be replaced or is something else causing this problem ?
The strange thing is that when I replaced a working sensor in the second gun, it still refuses to work, so now I`m thinking that something else is faulty....

If someone knows where to find these items for my guns: please inform me.
Item number is "Sensor BD Gun sense HOD 838-13144"

Any help would be appreciated.


Regards Dragonfly
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Number of posts : 13
Age : 68
Country : Netherlands
Registration date : 2009-05-15

Problem with House of the Dead2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with House of the Dead2   Problem with House of the Dead2 Clock_9Sun 17 May 2009 - 22:59

[quote="dragonfly"]Hi guys,
I examinded my House of the Dead 2 arcademachine again and realized that the gun sensors were not faulty, it was kind of logic .. because I plugged the good working sensor in the faulty gun and it still didn`t work, so the sensor could not be the problem, otherwise it should have worked right..
There can only one pcb responsible for my problem: the main BD gun sense spy UR pcb, the numbers read: 838-13143-11, the same as Marco on this site has for sale Very Happy sadly I only need this pcb and not the whole kit Crying or Very sad

But if anyone should have a 100 % working IC BD Gun Sense Spy UR pcb: please inform me Very Happy


Regards Dragonfly
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Number of posts : 6
Age : 42
City : Ternat
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2007-02-22

Problem with House of the Dead2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with House of the Dead2   Problem with House of the Dead2 Clock_9Thu 21 May 2009 - 23:25

Just came across this board on ebay usa, I believe this is the one your looking for. And the most important it costs only $10 Shocked . Here's the link

Good luck with it. Sonic
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Number of posts : 13
Age : 68
Country : Netherlands
Registration date : 2009-05-15

Problem with House of the Dead2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with House of the Dead2   Problem with House of the Dead2 Clock_9Fri 22 May 2009 - 0:06

roadrunner wrote:
Just came across this board on ebay usa, I believe this is the one your looking for. And the most important it costs only $10 Shocked . Here's the link

Good luck with it. Sonic

Dear Roadrunner,
Many thanks, but my sensor pcb looks different than the one on ebay... mine got a rom and extra proccesor I presume it`s for a different game..
Still it`s very nice that you pointed me to this seller Very Happy


Regards Dragonfly
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Problem with House of the Dead2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with House of the Dead2   Problem with House of the Dead2 Clock_9Wed 24 Jun 2009 - 18:57

you can contact guerrier ame vilca, I know he has some
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Number of posts : 13
Age : 68
Country : Netherlands
Registration date : 2009-05-15

Problem with House of the Dead2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with House of the Dead2   Problem with House of the Dead2 Clock_9Wed 8 Jul 2009 - 23:41

footix wrote:
you can contact guerrier ame vilca, I know he has some

Dear Footix,
Thanks for your great help Very Happy

The sensor pcb I bought from guerrier ame vilca is working 100%, still my guns won`t fire, but this has nothing to do with sensor pcb anymore Very Happy I discoverd that both gun sensors are faulty and one of them has also a bad cable, that explains why the second gun didn`t work, and neither when I placed a working gun sensor pcb in it, now I only have to find 2 x new gun sensors, and one gun wire and the House of the Dead 2 is running 100% again Very Happy

THANKS EVERYBODY who helped me with tips and other sugestions
cheers cheers cheers
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Problem with House of the Dead2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problem with House of the Dead2   Problem with House of the Dead2 Clock_9

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