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 Outrun sound problem

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Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

Outrun sound problem Empty
PostSubject: Outrun sound problem   Outrun sound problem Clock_9Tue 7 Jul 2009 - 8:27

Hi all,

I have a problem with the sound on my Outrun.

The engine sound suddenly is bad, now it's just garbage.

I already pushed down all ic's.. but all other sounds play well (background music, crashes, ..). In tests all samples play well, all eproms have correct checksums.

I noticed the sound is not stereo anymore, comes only out of 1 speaker.

Searching for information I found there are 2 ic's involved (don't know which ones) for sound.. so I think 1 to play samples from eproms, and 1 to play engine sound (as it's controlled by cpu and increases with speed).
So maybe one of these ic's is bad.. or maybe where the sound is mixed or the amplifier ?

Does anyone have schematics and can tell me what ic's are involved in this sound part ?
Or anyone who can repair the board so I can send it to ?



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