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 [SF25th] Master Series Europe Tournament Series

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Number of posts : 4
Age : 48
Country : France
Registration date : 2012-03-10

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PostSubject: [SF25th] Master Series Europe Tournament Series   [SF25th] Master Series Europe Tournament Series Clock_9Sat 11 Aug 2012 - 20:02

[SF25th] Master Series Europe Tournament Series SF25-LOGO_small

Street Fighter 25th Anniversary

World Tournament Series

- Master Series Europe -

A l’occasion des 25 ans de la saga Street Fighter, Capcom Entertainment France

met en place un rendez-vous incontournable :

La première finale européenne officielle sur les jeux de combat issus de l’univers Street Fighter !

Jeux en compétition officielle pour le Street Fighter European Master Series :

[size=20]Super Street Figher IV Arcade Edition ver.2012
Street Fighter X Tekken
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike – Online Edition
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Organisée pendant le Paris Games Week 2012, Les Street Fighter European Master Series sont une compétition réservée aux meilleurs joueurs d’Europe sur les jeux issus de l’univers Street Fighter.

16 pays européens vont ainsi envoyer leur équipe nationale (composée de leurs champions) pour un affrontement au sommet du 31 octobre au 4 novembre 2012.

Un spectacle sans précédent en Europe.

L’équipe française sera composée des vainqueurs de la Coupe de France de Street Fighter !

Après 5 jours de combat, les vainqueurs de chaque jeu remporteront un prix unique : une place pour représenter l’Europe et participer à la grande finale mondiale du Street Fighter 25th Anniversary à San Francisco aux USA, ainsi qu’une chance de remporter un énorme cash-prize et peut-être même une voiture de sport : la custom Scion FR-S !

La série de tournois organizés pour l’anniversaire des 25 ans de Street Fighter offrira des prix, cash-prizes et autres lots divers à hauteur de 500 000$ !

Le transport et l’hébergement pour la finale mondiale à San Francisco seront offerts aux gagnants du Street Fighter European Master Series par Capcom.

Tous les matchs seront diffusés et commentés en direct sur


Retrouvez toutes les informations officielles sur :


Guillaume Dorison (Asenka)
Street Fighter Community Manager

Mob : +33 6 64 50 15 31
Fax : +33 1 39 73 16 15
Facebook : CapcomFrance & AsenkaStreetFighter
Email :


Aurélien Laureau (Kurama Tengu)
Tournament Coordinator

Email :
Twitter : @kurama_tengu
Facebook : aurelien.kuramatengu.laureau

[SF25th] Master Series Europe Tournament Series SF25-LOGO_small

[size=20]Street Fighter 25th Anniversary

World Series Tournament

-Master SeriesEurope-

As part of its year-long celebration to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Street Fighter series Capcom is pleased to confirm the first ever official European fighting games tournament featuring solely titles from this iconic series.

Taking place during Paris Games Week (October 31-November 4), The European Masters will provide a stage for the best fighting game players from across Europe to showcase their skills and compete for the opportunity to represent Europe in the World Finals this December in San Francisco.

Contestants in the European Master Series will battle it out on the following titles

[size=20]-Super StreetFigherIVArcadeEdition ver.2012
-Street FighterXTekken
-Street FighterIII: 3rd Strike – Online Edition
-SuperStreet FighterIITurboHDRemix

Ahead of the European Masters Series (EMS), a series of local qualifying tournaments will be held across 16 European countries where players will fight for the right to represent their country. A full list of these qualifying tournaments will be made available shortly at

After five days of intense competition at the European Master Series in Paris, the top two fighters of the Super Street Fighter IV AE ver.2012 and Street Fighter X Tekken tournaments and the two first place finishers of the Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike events will all win a spot to represent Europe and compete in the World Finals of The Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Tournament in San Francisco and a chance to compete for a huge cash-prize pool, including a limited edition custom Scion FR-S Sports Car!

The entire tournament series has a total prize pool worth of $500.000 of cash prizes, non-cash prizes and amenities.

Capcom will provide transport and accommodation for the World Finals in San Francisco to the winners of the European Master Series of Street Fighter.

All games will be broadcast over the Internet with a live commentary at, don’t miss the show!

All the official information is available at:

Street Fighter 25th Anniversary website (English):
Master Series Europe website (French/English):


Guillaume Dorison (Asenka)
Street Fighter Community Manager

Mob : +33 6 64 50 15 31
Fax : +33 1 39 73 16 15
Facebook : CapcomFrance & AsenkaStreetFighter
Mail :


Aurélien Laureau (Kurama Tengu)
Tournament Coordinator

Twitter: @kurama_tengu
Facebook : aurelien.kuramatengu.laureau
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[SF25th] Master Series Europe Tournament Series
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