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 Star Horse 2 - Final Destination

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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Star Horse 2 - Final Destination   Star Horse 2 - Final Destination Clock_9Sun 26 Sep 2010 - 13:01

Star Horse 2 - Final Destination Sh2

La 5ème expansion de Star Horse 2 est en location test depuis le 18 septembre dans les établissements suivants. La production du jeu devrait suivre rapidement.

Club Sega Makuhari (Chiba, Tokyo)
Sega World Hikarigaoka (Nerima, Tokyo)
Sega World Oomori (Ota, Tokyo)
GiGO Ikebukuro (Tokyo)
Sega World Arukas (Fuchu, Tokyo)
Sega World Hunabori (Edogawa, Tokyo)
Sega Round Ikegami (Ota, Tokyo)
Club Sega Jiyugaoka (Meguro, Tokyo)
Sports Land Shinjuku (Tokyo)
Club Sega Tsunashima (Kohoku, Yokohama)


Star Horse 2's 5th expansion is in location test since September 18th in the following places. Game production should begin shortly after.

Club Sega Makuhari (Chiba, Tokyo)
Sega World Hikarigaoka (Nerima, Tokyo)
Sega World Oomori (Ota, Tokyo)
GiGO Ikebukuro (Tokyo)
Sega World Arukas (Fuchu, Tokyo)
Sega World Hunabori (Edogawa, Tokyo)
Sega Round Ikegami (Ota, Tokyo)
Club Sega Jiyugaoka (Meguro, Tokyo)
Sports Land Shinjuku (Tokyo)
Club Sega Tsunashima (Kohoku, Yokohama)
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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Star Horse 2 - Final Destination Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Horse 2 - Final Destination   Star Horse 2 - Final Destination Clock_9Wed 6 Oct 2010 - 21:12

Star Horse 2 - Final Destination sort ce27 octobre au Japon.


Star Horse 2 - Final Destination will be released this October 27th in Japan.
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Star Horse 2 - Final Destination
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