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 Speed Rider 3DX

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Speed Rider 3DX Empty
PostSubject: Speed Rider 3DX   Speed Rider 3DX Clock_9Sat 6 Jan 2024 - 16:09

Speed Rider 3DX Sr3dx_00d

Motorbike racing game by IGS released in 2019. It's an enhanced version of Speed Rider 3 released in 2017.

The main new feature is the motion platform, providing force feedback to the bike.
Other improvements are a new beginner track: Seoul (in forward and reverse modes) and a new character/bike named Guardian.
As the for standard version, both single and twin cabinets are available.

Cabinet dimensions (twin):
Width: 2700mm
Depth: 2177mm
Height: 2188mm
Power: 2000W


New motion cabinet:
Speed Rider 3DX Sr3dx_01

New character: Guardian
Speed Rider 3DX Sr3dx_02

New track: Seoul
Speed Rider 3DX Sr3dx_03
Speed Rider 3DX Sr3dx_04

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