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 Konnichiwa from Denmark

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Number of posts : 4
Age : 51
Country : Denmark
Registration date : 2023-08-02

Konnichiwa from Denmark Empty
PostSubject: Konnichiwa from Denmark   Konnichiwa from Denmark Clock_9Wed 16 Aug 2023 - 13:56


I am Kent from Denmark. Born in '73 I grew up playing all the classics in the mid 80's to the mid 90's when most arcade games were gone in Denmark.

I also played and collected consoles mainly for the 'arcade perfect'-ports. I owned most of them: Nintendos, SEGAs, Sonys, Microsofts and several of the more obscure ones. Looking back, the Dreamcast was probably my favorite, due to all the arcade perfect ports - it felt almost like having a Naomi at home - and I had all the cool arcade controllers for it (2x Arcadesticks, 2x Light Guns, 2x fishing rods, 2x Samba Maracas, 2x keyboards (for Typing Of The Dead).
All have been sold since I came to the realization that real arcade is what I really enjoy. Today, the Switch is my only console.

I owned a classic danish Compugame Lux arcade machine which I sold years ago since my arcade dream switched to candy cabs (I have traveled to Japan many times). Was close to buying a brand new Vewlix DB - but it slipped. Now I ordered a P-ras 3 (APM3) which will arrive in a few days. Such a beautiful cab. Super excited!
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Number of posts : 6471
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Konnichiwa from Denmark Empty
PostSubject: Re: Konnichiwa from Denmark   Konnichiwa from Denmark Clock_9Wed 16 Aug 2023 - 21:22

Welcome Kent! cheers

Thanks for the introduction.

The APM3 is a very sleek cabinet! Have fun with it! Wink
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Konnichiwa from Denmark
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