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 Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town   Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Clock_9Sun 4 Jul 2021 - 17:52

Dynamite Bomb!! is an exclusive Japanese anime fighting game for the exA-Arcadia.

It features 10 super powered citizens who gather in a strange town to discover the root of their power.

Dynamite Bomb!! uses the same game engine as Axel City 2 and is developed by former Arc System Works members.


Dynamite Bomb!! est un jeu de combat japonais dans le style anime exclusif à la plateforme exA-Arcadia.

Il met en scène 10 citoyens surpuissants qui se réunissent dans une ville étrange pour découvrir la racine de leur pouvoir.

Dynamite Bomb!! utilise le même moteur de jeu qu'Axel City 2 et est développé par d'anciens membres d'Arc System Works.

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town   Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Clock_9Thu 18 Nov 2021 - 4:31

Video of Dynamite Bomb!! at IAAPA Expo 2021 (USA):

Video by Arcade Heroes.

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town   Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Clock_9Thu 17 Mar 2022 - 19:25

A teaser of Dynamite Bomb!! has been published today.

The game is coming this year and is co-developed by Light Green 8 and exA-Arcadia Team EXA-AM2.
The arcade version features 2 additional characters compared to the PC version released in 2014.

Supported languages will be English and Japanese.


Un teaser de Dynamite Bomb!! a été publié aujourd'hui.

Le jeu est prévu pour cette année et est co-développé par Light Green 8 et exA-Arcadia Team EXA-AM2.
La version arcade propose 2 personnages supplémentaires par rapport à la version PC sortie en 2014.

Les langues supportées seront l'anglais et le japonais.

Characters shown in the teaser are:
Les combattants dévoilés dans le teaser sont:
  • Annie (Acrobats & Pothunter)
  • Kotetsu (High school boy & Fighter)
  • Mana (Bookseller & Sorceress)
  • Saia (Medical doctor & an Immortal)
  • Sakura (High school girl & Swordsman)
  • Seitaro (Head of the student council & Ancient Japanese martial arts Master)
  • Uotora (Fishmonger & Professional wrestler)
  • Yozo (Police detective & Cyborg)
  • Kenpei (new character)
  • Senna (new character)


Original characters:
Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Db_02

Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Db_01

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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town   Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Clock_9Sat 11 Feb 2023 - 19:42

Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town was present at JAEPO 2023.

This is a fighting game set in Inaho Town, where reality and unreality intersect and where many superhuman and demons live. All the characters are unique such as a magician who works in a bookstore, a martial arts fighter who attends high school, and a cyborg detective.


Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town était présent à JAEPO 2023.

Il s'agit d'un jeu de combat qui se déroule à Inaho Town, où le réel et l'irréel se croisent et où vivent de nombreux démons  et surhumains. Tous les personnages sont uniques, comme un magicien qui travaille dans une librairie, un combattant d'arts martiaux qui va au lycée et un détective cyborg.

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town   Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Clock_9Sun 2 Jul 2023 - 22:02

Dynamite Bomb!! will be released this month.

Pre-orders are open:


Dynamite Bomb!! sortira ce mois-ci.

Les pré-commandes sont ouvertes:

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town   Dynamite Bomb!! - Strange People of a Certain Town Clock_9Sun 10 Mar 2024 - 16:17

An update to Dynamite Bomb!! is available.

Version 1.1.4 brings in these changes:

■ Balance adjustments for all characters
- Slightly increased gravity when jumping forward, and extended the judgement of weak attacks while jumping (adjusted to make it easier to hit even crouching opponents).
- Extend the attack detection of the standing weak P vertically (adjusted to make it slightly easier to use as an anti-air).
- Reduced the generation speed of grabs for all characters except Sakura and Tiger to 28F & shortened the movement value of grabs.
(Adjusted so that gravity is added when trying to continue a combo with the same attack, mainly with normal moves, special moves and super move follow-ups).
- Fixed so that the "Aerial Blow Down" motion adds gravity after wall bouncing while a combo is being added (adjusted so that gravity is added when trying to continue a combo with the same attack, mainly with Special Moves and Guard Breaking).

■ Balance adjustments to Sakura.
Shortened grab generation from 35F to 30F & shortened grab movement value.

■ Mana Balance Adjustment
Shortened the onset of the ↘ weak K from 36F to 30F.
Hardness time in mid-air after a Mad Duster hit reduced from 25F to 10F (weak/strong).
When Cinderella hits, the damage value to the opponent's super move gauge has been reduced.
Reduced the damage value to the opponent's Super Move Gauge when Plasma Ray hits.

■ Tiger balance adjustment
Shortened grab generation from 30F to 22F & shortened grab movement value.
Extended the development F of the standing weak K from 18F to 21F.

■ Balance adjustments for Sai'a.
Shortened the hardness of the Repetitive Claw Fang from 52F to 41F (weak/strong).
→ Fixed a bug where throws would bounce at the edge of the screen.

■ Kenbei balance adjustment
Shortened the onset of the ↘ weak K from 32F to 28F.

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