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Le Deal du moment : -19%
PC portable MSI Gaming Pulse 16” -Ultra7 155H ...
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1299 €


 FOR SALE: Arcade / Ultimarc shizzle

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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2006-10-31

FOR SALE: Arcade / Ultimarc shizzle Empty
PostSubject: FOR SALE: Arcade / Ultimarc shizzle   FOR SALE: Arcade / Ultimarc shizzle Clock_9Fri 29 Jan 2021 - 16:26

Cleaning out the basement and found some old treasure ... classic gaming-shizzle.

FOR SALE: Arcade / Ultimarc shizzle Kelder10

- Working old-skool motherboard (elco's replaced) with double HD / Mame & a few 1000 games on.
- Wii 2 HDMI-convertor.
- Ultimarc ArcadeVGA + aansluitkabel = CD with drivers.
- 7x Jamma-connector + fingerboard.
- Ultimarc Jamma-interface + cabling.
- Ultimarc iPac-interface + cabling.
- Ultimarc OptiPac-interface + cabling.
- Ultimarc MiniPac-interface + cabling.
- Some loose cabling ...

Any questions ? Shoot Wink
Asking price  --> No idea ...
Make me an offer (here or via PM).
Pick-up or delivery possible.
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FOR SALE: Arcade / Ultimarc shizzle
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