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 [For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72

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Number of posts : 4
Age : 47
Country : Ireland
Registration date : 2020-08-14

[For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72 Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72   [For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72 Clock_9Tue 25 Aug 2020 - 22:22

Finally, after a lot of work and setbacks, I was able to complete the project and build the first prototype.

For all those interested, please contact me again in private.

Having reached at least 10 reservations, I can start production.

Payment is with paypal gift or goods + 4.5 and must be immediate to go into production. Unfortunately in my previous project, a couple of people pulled back and lost the deposit but I lost some money because I in turn have to pay whoever produces the case. So this is the only alternative. Forgive me.

shipping is to be calculated separately.

For each question write in the post or in private.

01_Aaron Miller_ (Facebook) _ Awaiting Payment

02_Serge NDi _ (Facebook) ---PAID---

03_Stefano Bianzani _ (Facebook) ---PAID---

04_Matteo Parolin _ (Facebook) ---PAID---

05_Benjamin De Paoli _ (Facebook) ---PAID---

06_Daniel Ladner _ (Facebook) ---PAID---

07_Samuel Culot _ (Sam Bk - Facebook) ---PAID---

08_(loegan43- Arcade Project) ---PAID---

09_(meybarra- Arcade Project) ---PAID---

10_(jamesv833- Arcade Project) _ Awaiting Payment

11_LittleLarrySellers _ ( – Arcade Project) ---PAID---

12_( ekorz – Arcade Project) ---PAID---

13_Giacomo_ Awaiting Payment

14_ym01 – Arcade Project) ---PAID---

--------------------- PRODUCTION START SOON ! ---------------------------

------------------------ORDERING ALWAYS OPEN!! --------------------------

[For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72 01
[For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72 02
[For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72 03
[For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72 04
[For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72 05
[For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72 06
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[For Sale] "The Arcade PCB Case" for MULTI Irem M72
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