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 [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R   [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sat 2 May 2020 - 19:17

For sale is a mint exA-Arcadia mainboard with Aka & Blue Type-R cartridge.

100% complete with original boxes, manuals, A1 poster, marquee, instruction strip, all cables, etc...

Includes pre-order bonus: exA themed joystick ball, dustwasher and 3 buttons (these goodies are not included in the kits sold after January 6th, 2020).

JVS format. Compatible with HD (720p and up) and 31Khz monitors (480p), video output is DVI-D (cable included) so an DVI-D to VGA adapter is required for most 31Khz CRTs (€10 on Amazon).

Price is €3800, shipping included to anywhere in Europe.
Price drop: 3550€ shipped to Europe or 3500€ without the pre-order goodies (balltop, washer and buttons).

Other available games for the system are Infinos EXA, The Kung Fu vs Karate Champ, Akyrios EXA and Chaos Code -Exact Xeno Attack- with many more to come such as Dodonpachi Saidaioujou EXA Label, The Fallen Angels, NOISZ ARC⌖CODA, Psyvariar Delta AC, Shikhondo Red Purgatory, Strania EX and Strikers 2020...


A vendre: carte-mère exA-Arcadia avec la cartouche Aka & Blue Type-R (état impeccable).

100% complet boites d'origine, les manuels, un poster de taille A1, la marquee, la bande d'instructions, tous les cables, etc...

Inclut le bonus de précommande: une boule de joystick, un cache-poussière et 3 boutons exA (ces goodies ne sont plus inclus dans les kits vendus après le 6 janvier 2020).

Format JVS. Compatible avec les moniteurs HD (720p et supérieur) et 31Khz (480p), la sortie vidéo est en DVI-D (le cable est inclus) donc un adaptateur DVI-D vers VGA est nécessaire pour la majorité des écrans CRT 31Khz (ça coûte 10€ sur Amazon).

Le prix est de 3800€, frais de port inclus vers toute l'Europe.
Baisse de prix: 3550€ fdpin en Europe ou 3500€ sans les goodies de précommande (boule, cache et boutons exA).

Les autres jeux disponibles pour cette plateforme sont Infinos EXA, The Kung Fu vs Karate Champ, Akyrios EXA et Chaos Code -Exact Xeno Attack- avec de nombreux autres titres à venir comme Dodonpachi Saidaioujou EXA Label, The Fallen Angels, NOISZ ARC⌖CODA, Psyvariar Delta AC, Shikhondo Red Purgatory, Strania EX et Strikers 2020...

[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Efs_1

[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Efs_2

[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Efs_3

[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Efs_4

[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Efs_5

Last edited by Nomax on Sat 6 Jun 2020 - 17:04; edited 2 times in total
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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R   [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sat 9 May 2020 - 11:40

Price drop to 3700€ shipped to Europe or 3650€ without the pre-order goodies (balltop, washer and buttons).
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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R   [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sun 24 May 2020 - 16:49

Price drop: 3550€ shipped to Europe or 3500€ without the pre-order goodies (balltop, washer and buttons).
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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R   [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9Sat 6 Jun 2020 - 17:03

Vendu / Sold.
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[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R   [Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R Clock_9

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[Sold/Vendu] exA-Arcadia with Aka & Blue Type-R
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