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 Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl

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Number of posts : 6471
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl Empty
PostSubject: Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl   Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl Clock_9Sat 7 Dec 2019 - 19:29

Radiant Silvergun OST is out on vinyl. It's released by Data Discs.

This magnificent soundtrack made by Hitoshi Sakimoto is available as limited edition (multicolour vinyl), translucent orange edition and black edition. All editions are pressed on 180g vinyl and includes 17 stickers of the game characters (while stock last),  a double-sided lithographic print and a foldout poster.

The first record contains music from the arcade version. The second record includes music from the Saturn version.


Radiant Silvergun OST sort en vinyl chez Data Discs.

La magnifique bande originale de Hitoshi Sakimoto est disponible en édition limitée (vinyl multicolore), en édition "orange transparente" et en édition noire standard. Toutes les éditions sont pressées sur du vinyl de 180g et incluent une planche de 17 autocollants des personnages du jeu, une impression lithographique double-face et un poster.

Le premier disque propose les musiques originales de la version arcade, le deuxième inclue les morceaux de la version Saturn.


Original Compositions:

  • A1. Quickening
  • A2. Ruin
  • A3. Return
  • A4. Debris
  • A5. Reminiscence
  • A6. Ruin
  • A7. Evasion
  • A8. Penta
  • B1. Space Battle Ship 130 33KI
  • B2. Victim
  • B3. Origin
  • B4. The Stone-like
  • B5. Karma
  • B6. Feel Visible Matter
  • B7. Feel Invisible Matter
  • B8. There is Life Everywhere

Console Versions:

  • C1. Return
  • C2. Debris
  • C3. Reminiscence
  • C4. Ruin
  • C5. Evasion
  • D1. Penta
  • D2. Space Battle Ship 130 33KI
  • D3. Origin
  • D4. The Stone-like
  • D5. There is Life Everywhere

(all orders will ship on or before 13th January 2020)
Toutes les commandes seront expédiées au plus tard le 13 janvier.

Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl Rsost_01

Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl Rsost_02

Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl Rsost_03

Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl Rsost_04

Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl Rsost_05

Radiant Silvergun OST on vinyl Rsost_06

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