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 Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics

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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Empty
PostSubject: Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics   Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Clock_9Fri 31 May 2019 - 18:43

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_logo

Sega announced that an arcade version of Mario & Sonic AT Tokyo Olympics will be released in 2020. The Switch version will be released this Winter.


Sega a annoncé que la version arcade de Mario & Sonic AT Tokyo Olympics sortira en 2020. La version Switch sortira cet hiver.


Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_01
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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics   Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Clock_9Sat 27 Jul 2019 - 14:31

Mario & Sonic AT Tokyo Olympics is on location test at the SEGA Akihabara and the SEGA Shinjuku Kabukicho until tomorrow.


Mario & Sonic AT Tokyo Olympics est en location test jusqu'à demain au SEGA Akihabara et au SEGA Shinjuku Kabukicho.

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_02

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_03

Last edited by SophieKitty on Sat 23 Nov 2019 - 13:17; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics   Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Clock_9Sun 28 Jul 2019 - 10:53

More information from the location test of Mario & Sonic AT Tokyo Olympics:

- There are a red and a blue buttons and a foot panel but no more joystick.
- 4 events were available: 100m, three-step jump, discus throw and sports climbing.
- 100m: Press the blue/red buttons to start running, then, step on the foot panel to rise the speed and when tthe goal is near, jump to start the last spurt and  finish the race.
- Three-step jump:  Start running on the foot panel and jump to the three jump points.
- Discuss throw: release the button according to the gauge displayed in the center of the screen to launch the discuss
- Sports climbing: Press the button of the same color as the hold displayed on the screen to climb the wall within the time limit and jump when the distance between 2 hold is large.


Plus d'informations du location test de Mario & Sonic AT Tokyo Olympics:

- Il y a un bouton rouge et un bleu et un tapis mais plus de joystick.
- 4 épreuves étaient disponibles : 100m, triple saut, lancer du disque et escalade sportive.
- 100m: Appuyer sur les boutons bleu/rouge pour commencer à courir, puis, marcher sur le tapis pour augmenter la vitesse et, quand l'arrivée est proche, sauter pour commencer le dernier sprint et terminer la course.
- Triple saut: Commencer à courir sur le tapis et sauter trois fois aux points de saut.
- Lancer du disque: Appuyer sur le bouton en fonction de la jauge affichée au centre de l'écran pour lancer le disque
- Escalade sportive : Appuyer sur le bouton de la même couleur que la prise affichée sur l'écran pour escalader le mur dans la limite de temps et sauter lorsque la distance entre 2 prises est trop grande.

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_04

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_05

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_06

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_07

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_08

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_09

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_10

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_11

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_12

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_13

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_14

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mstokyo_15

Pictures: 4Gamer
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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics   Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Clock_9Sun 12 Jan 2020 - 16:03

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics will be out on February 8.


Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics sortira le 8 février.
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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics   Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Clock_9Sun 19 Jan 2020 - 12:39

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics @ EAG 2020:

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Eag20_141b
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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics   Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Clock_9Sat 25 Jan 2020 - 19:15

Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics is out since January 23 instead of February 8.


Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics est sorti le 23 janvier à la place du 8 février.
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PostSubject: Re: Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics   Mario & Sonic at Tokyo 2020 Olympics Clock_9

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