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 Galaga Assault

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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Galaga Assault Empty
PostSubject: Galaga Assault   Galaga Assault Clock_9Sun 17 Jan 2016 - 0:02

Galaga Assault Galaga_logo

Galaga Assault is a video redemption game from Bandai Namco and Raw Thrills. The cabinet features a  42" LCD Screen at 1080p HD with RGB full colour rotating LED lights surrounding.

Each stage is separated into two rounds. In the 1st round, you must destroy 100 enemy ships without dying and in the second round, tou must destroy the Mothership to win the Jackpot. You can buy additionnal ships and use QR codes.


Galaga Assault est un video redemption de Bandai Namco et Raw Thrills. La borne dispose d'un écran HD LCD 42" à 1080p avec des éclairages RGB autour de l'écran.

Chaque stage du jeu est divisé en deux rounds. Dans le 1er, il faut détruire 100 ennemis sans mourir et dans le second, il faut détruire le Mothership pour gagner le Jackpot. Le joueur peut acheter des vaisseaux supplémentaires et utiliser des QR codes.

Gameplay video:

Galaga Assault Galaga_cab

Galaga Assault Galaga_01

Galaga Assault Galaga_02

Galaga Assault Galaga_13

Galaga Assault Galaga_04

Galaga Assault Galaga_05

Galaga Assault @ EAG International 2016:

Galaga Assault Galaga_01b

Galaga Assault Galaga_02b

Galaga Assault Galaga_03b

Galaga Assault Galaga_04b

Galaga Assault Galaga_05b

Galaga Assault Galaga_06b
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