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 Artcade - The Book of Classic Arcade Game Art

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Number of posts : 6471
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Artcade - The Book of Classic Arcade Game Art   Artcade - The Book of Classic Arcade Game Art Clock_9Sat 19 Dec 2015 - 15:59

Artcade - The Book of Classic Arcade Game Art Artcade_00

Artcade book by Tim Nicholls is now available for pre-order. It will be released through Bitmap Books in March 2016. Price is £24.99 (€34.26).

Artcade includes 340 pages of high-quality marquee scans. They are presented in landscape format covering both pages. Interviews of artists Larry Day and Python Anghelo are also featured.



Le livre Artcade de Tim Nicholls est maintenant disponible en précommande. Il sera édité par  Bitmap Books en mars 2016. Le prix est de 24,99£ (34,26€).

Artcade inclut 340 pages de scans de marquee en haute qualité. Les images sont présentées au format paysage couvrant les 2 pages. Le livre comprend également les interviews des artistes Larry Day et Python Anghelo.

Site web:

Artcade - The Book of Classic Arcade Game Art Artcade_01

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Number of posts : 6471
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: Artcade - The Book of Classic Arcade Game Art   Artcade - The Book of Classic Arcade Game Art Clock_9Sun 6 Mar 2016 - 9:14

Nintendolife review of the Artcade book:

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