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 Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo

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2 posters

Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Empty
PostSubject: Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo   Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Clock_9Mon 1 Dec 2014 - 19:16

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Kfpdm_00

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo is a new redemption game from ICE. The software is developed by Play Mechanix.

The player must hit the lit panda paws to win tickets. It reminds of Konami's Fighting Mania in a way.


Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo est un nouveau redemption de chez ICE. Le soft est développé par Play Mechanix.

Le joueur doit toucher les pates de panda quand elles s'allument afin de gagner des tickets. D'une certaine manière, le jeu rappelle Fighting Mania de Konami.



Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Kfpdm_cab1

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Kfpdm_01

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Kfpdm_02
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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo   Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Clock_9Sat 17 Jan 2015 - 20:47

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo pictures shot at EAG International 2015.

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Eag15097b

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Eag15098b

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Eag15099b

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Eag15100b

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Eag15101b

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Eag15102b

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Eag15103b

Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo Eag15104b
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Kung Fu Panda Dojo Mojo
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