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 Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive)

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Number of posts : 4465
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive) Empty
PostSubject: Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive)   Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive) Clock_9Mon 13 Oct 2014 - 18:41

Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive) Rastan_logo

Soon on NESiCAxLive: Rastan Saga.

The game is currently on location test in these arcades until October 15:

- Hey Akihabara
- Taito Station Nihonbashi (Osaka)
- Taito Station Osu


Bientôt sur NESiCAxLive: Rastan Saga.

Le jeu est actuellement en location test jusqu'au 15 octobre dans ces salles:

- Hey Akihabara
- Taito Station Nihonbashi (Osaka)
- Taito Station Osu

Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive) Rastan_01

Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive) Rastan_02

Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive) Elevator_01

Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive) Elevator_02
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Rastan Saga (NESiCAxLive)
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