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 Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?)

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Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?) Empty
PostSubject: Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?)   Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?) Clock_9Wed 30 Apr 2014 - 9:23

My Big fight pcb arrived a bit damaged:
Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?) Img1959r

Sound seems to be not working anymore at all now (used to work) and it resets itself quite alot. Sometimes the board doesn't work at all, then I play around with those bend caps a bit and then it works.

So I want to send to a shop or someone who can professionaly repair it. (I think it has something to do with the caps, there's one that seems disconnected as well).

There seem to be a few like:

And there's always Mak Japan, but hard to communicate.

Anyone know any service in europe? Or recommend me a service (which you had good experience with)?

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Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?)   Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?) Clock_9Wed 30 Apr 2014 - 19:26

Hi , where are you from ?

Reset sounds like the 5v issue , have you check your voltage on 5v jamma's pin ?

Have you ever try to turn up the 5v on your psu ?

If those cap's are around the 12v - 5v - -5v , replace it ...
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Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?)   Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?) Clock_9Fri 27 Jun 2014 - 11:09 and in UK in Belgium
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Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?)   Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?) Clock_9

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Any shops that repair damaged PCB's? (In europe?)
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