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 Midway pacman screen always vibrating

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2 posters

Number of posts : 3
Age : 57
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2014-02-04

Midway pacman screen always vibrating  Empty
PostSubject: Midway pacman screen always vibrating    Midway pacman screen always vibrating  Clock_9Tue 18 Mar 2014 - 12:44

I had a technician come and he cant seem to stabalize the image on the game .He has the schematics for the game but we cant get the screen stable .Could this be from the 50 hertz transfo instead of the 60 hertz it had in the USA ?or is it from the bulbs .

Thank you for any feedback ?

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Number of posts : 6471
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Midway pacman screen always vibrating  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midway pacman screen always vibrating    Midway pacman screen always vibrating  Clock_9Tue 18 Mar 2014 - 16:10

It could very well be that the screen is frequency dependent. You can buy a frequency converter for that matter (or build one yourself).

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Midway pacman screen always vibrating
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