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 Arcade Street (Paris, France)

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2 posters

Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Arcade Street (Paris, France) Empty
PostSubject: Arcade Street (Paris, France)   Arcade Street (Paris, France) Clock_9Sat 26 Oct 2013 - 16:00

Arcade Street passe aux jetons:

Liste des jeux:

Arcade Street wrote:
VS Fighting:
TEKKEN TAG 2 Unlimited (2 Namco HD Noir Cabinet en versus)
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012 (4 Taito Vewlix en versus)
Blazblue CS II 1.1A (2 RS Delta 32 HD en versus)
Tekken 6 BR (2 Namco HD Noir Cabinet en versus)
Blazblue Continuum Shift (Taito Vewlix panel 2 joueurs)
Street Fighter 3 Third Strike  (New Versus City) x 2
KOF 2002 UM (New Versus City)
KOF XIII Climax (2 Taito Vewlix en Versus)
Super Street Fighter 2X ( 2 New Astro City en versus) (0.50cts/2 crédits)
Garou Mark of the Wolves (2 New Astro city en versus)
Capcom VS SNK 2 (2 Blast City en versus)
Hokuto no Ken (Atomiswave panel 2 joueurs)
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (2 Blast City en versus)
KOF XI (Atomiswave panel 2 joueurs)
Marvel VS Capcom 2 (Taito Egret 3 panel 2 joueurs)
Pocket Fighters ( Blast City panel 2 joueurs)
Street fighter Zero 3 (2 New Astro City en versus) (0.50cts/2 crédits)
Marvel versus Capcom 2 (Taito Egret 3)
Rivals schools 2: Project justice (Taito Egret 3)
Last Blade 2 ( New Astro City 2 joueurs)
King of fighters 98  (New Astro City 2 joueurs)
Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (2 New Astro City en versus) (0.5cts/2 crédits)

Puzzle Game:
Magical drop 2 (New astro city 2 joueurs)
Puzzle Bubble 3 (Taito Egret 2)

Shoot Them Up:
Ketsui (New Astro City)
Dodonpachi Dai ou jou (Blast city)
Zero Gunner 2 (Blast city 2 joueurs)
ESP Galuda 2 (New Astro city)
Dodonpachi (New Astro City)
Dragon Blaze (Astro City)
Sexy parodius (Egret II)
DeathSmiles (New Astro City)

Beat Them All:
Demon Front
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug 1
Metal Slug 3
Metal Slug 6
Alien VS Predator
Final Fight
Oriental légende 2

Bornes dédiées:
Mario Kart GP2
Darius Burst EX
House of the dead 4 DX
Pac Man Battle Royale 4 players
Pop’n music 19 tune street
Razing Storm DX

Bomberman world (0.50cts/2 crédits)
Tetris Grand Master 2 plus (0.50cts/ 2 crédits)

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Arcade Street (Paris, France) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arcade Street (Paris, France)   Arcade Street (Paris, France) Clock_9Thu 1 Sep 2016 - 22:17

Arcade Street fermera ses portes le 11 octobre. Shit
Arcade Street will close its doors on October 11. Shit

Arcade Street (Paris, France) 765670arcadestreet

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Number of posts : 24
Age : 44
City : Zoetermeer
Country : Netherlands
Registration date : 2012-12-23

Arcade Street (Paris, France) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arcade Street (Paris, France)   Arcade Street (Paris, France) Clock_9Sat 3 Sep 2016 - 12:08

This really sucks to be honest. Crying or Very sad this is a great arcade. Some nice equipment, nice vibe too. Pity.

My French is terrible, can someone tell me why they are closing?

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Arcade Street (Paris, France) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arcade Street (Paris, France)   Arcade Street (Paris, France) Clock_9Sat 3 Sep 2016 - 21:16

Sphere wrote:
This really sucks to be honest. Crying or Very sad this is a great arcade. Some nice equipment, nice vibe too. Pity.

My French is terrible, can someone tell me why they are closing?

Their rent lease comes to an end so they have to move. They say they will "adapt they activity" but won't leave the arcade game business.

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Arcade Street (Paris, France) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arcade Street (Paris, France)   Arcade Street (Paris, France) Clock_9

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Arcade Street (Paris, France)
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