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 [VDS] Sega Gullboxes and Subwoofer Speakers

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Number of posts : 88
Age : 49
Country : Italy
Registration date : 2008-06-18

[VDS] Sega Gullboxes and Subwoofer Speakers Empty
PostSubject: [VDS] Sega Gullboxes and Subwoofer Speakers   [VDS] Sega Gullboxes and Subwoofer Speakers Clock_9Fri 31 May 2013 - 11:18

For sale a complete set of Sega Gullboxes and Subwoofer Speakers for Sega racing cabs......
This comes with snake plastic too......
[VDS] Sega Gullboxes and Subwoofer Speakers Segaspeakers1
[VDS] Sega Gullboxes and Subwoofer Speakers Segaspeakers2
[VDS] Sega Gullboxes and Subwoofer Speakers Segaspeakers3

Price is 90€ plus shipping cost.

Payment via paypal "gift" please,or add 4% for the paypal fees.
Payment via bank transfer also possible.

That's my feedback:
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[VDS] Sega Gullboxes and Subwoofer Speakers
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