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 [For Sale] 18 Wheeler DELUXE!!! SEGA

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2 posters
glenn pellis
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[For Sale] 18 Wheeler DELUXE!!! SEGA Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] 18 Wheeler DELUXE!!! SEGA   [For Sale] 18 Wheeler DELUXE!!! SEGA Clock_9Tue 5 Mar 2013 - 2:05

18 wheeler DELUXE, verry big machine!

it's now at the moment in a Lunapark on the Kermis/foire..

not in perfect condition, but it starts and plays, screen working but have something with the colors, and it springs from big to smal, (beeld versping)

some tape on the cab and the chair

for a good price can it away

i have a few pictures of it

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[For Sale] 18 Wheeler DELUXE!!! SEGA Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] 18 Wheeler DELUXE!!! SEGA   [For Sale] 18 Wheeler DELUXE!!! SEGA Clock_9Tue 5 Mar 2013 - 22:17

My name is Leon and I have a large truck Too funny

[For Sale] 18 Wheeler DELUXE!!! SEGA Signat10
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[For Sale] 18 Wheeler DELUXE!!! SEGA
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