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 [For sale] Virtua striker 3 (naomi universal cab)

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Number of posts : 7
Age : 35
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2012-12-17

[For sale] Virtua striker 3 (naomi universal cab)  Empty
PostSubject: [For sale] Virtua striker 3 (naomi universal cab)    [For sale] Virtua striker 3 (naomi universal cab)  Clock_9Mon 21 Jan 2013 - 1:49

For sale:
1x naomi universal cabinet
1x good working naomi 2 motherboard
1x naomi 2 motherboard with broken gpu (boots, but has graphical errors)
2x virtua striker 3 cartridge

Photo: [For sale] Virtua striker 3 (naomi universal cab)  IMG_8947_resized

More info:
Pretty good shape & works, but monitor has some issues (burn-in) and coin mech doesnt' work after I changed switch settings and don't get it to work anymore (credit board does work). All other things work 100%. Had some burn marks in monitor cover, but these have mostly been worked away.

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[For sale] Virtua striker 3 (naomi universal cab)
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