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 Japan Amusement Expo 2013 (JAEPO)

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Number of posts : 4440
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Japan Amusement  Expo 2013 (JAEPO) Empty
PostSubject: Japan Amusement Expo 2013 (JAEPO)   Japan Amusement  Expo 2013 (JAEPO) Clock_9Sat 12 Jan 2013 - 11:49

Japan Amusement  Expo 2013 (JAEPO) Jaepo_01

This year, AOU and AM show merged into a new show named Japan Amusement Expo 2013. It will be held on February 15 and 16 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba.

The show is open to the public on Sunday 16, the entry price is 1000 Yen (it's free for children under 12 and seniors over 60). The games are free and events will take place during the show as the cranes national championship...


Cette année les salon AOU et AM Show fusionnent en un nouveau show le Japan Amusement Expo 2013. Il se tiendra les 15 et 16 février prochain au Makuhari Messe à Chiba.

Le salon est ouvert le dimanche 16 au public, le prix d'entrée est de 1000 Yen (c'est gratuit pour les enfants de moins de 12 ans et les personnes âgées de plus de 60 ans). Les jeux sont gratuits et des événements auront lieu comme la finale du championnat national de grues...


Japan Amusement  Expo 2013 (JAEPO) Jaepo_02
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Number of posts : 4440
Age : 44
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Japan Amusement  Expo 2013 (JAEPO) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan Amusement Expo 2013 (JAEPO)   Japan Amusement  Expo 2013 (JAEPO) Clock_9Sat 2 Feb 2013 - 12:16

List of games exposed at JAEPO.


- Groove Coaster
- Tottemo E Mahjong (NESiCAxLive)
- Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX (NESiCAxLive)
- Crimzon Clover for NESiCAxLive (NESiCAxLive)
- Do Not Fall (NESiCAxLive)
- Ikaruga for NESiCAxLive (NESiCAxLive)
- Chaos Code - New sign of catastrophe (NESiCAxLive)


- Code of Joker
- Under Defeat HD+
- Phantom Breaker Another Code
- Shining Force Cross Elysion Ver.C
- Border Break Union Ver.3.0
- Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R (ALL.NET P-Ras Multi)
- Ge-sen Love (ALL.NET P-Ras Multi)
- Under Night In-Birth (ALL.NET P-Ras Multi)
- Caladrius (ALL.NET P-Ras Multi)
- maimai
- Sega Card Gen MLB 2013
- Star Horse 3 Season II - Blaze of Glory (Medal)
- Starboat Progress (Medal)


- DanceDance Revolution
- Gitadora
- beatmania IIDX 20 - Tricoro
- jubeat saucer
- REFLEC BEAT colette
- pop'n music Sunny Park
- Dance Evolution Arcade
- Sound Voltex Booth II - Infinite Infection
- Miraidagakki - Future TomTom

Square Enix:

- Lord of Vermillion III


- Mario Kart Arcade GP DX
- Taiko no Tatsujin March 2013 Edition


- Monster Hunter Pugee Race
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Japan Amusement Expo 2013 (JAEPO)
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