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 [For Sale] Sega Confidential Mission and sega time crisis 2

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glenn pellis
Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 328
Age : 35
City : Ekeren
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2006-12-16

[For Sale] Sega Confidential Mission and sega time crisis 2  Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] Sega Confidential Mission and sega time crisis 2    [For Sale] Sega Confidential Mission and sega time crisis 2  Clock_9Thu 30 Aug 2012 - 18:36

confidential mission,

condition of the machine would be +- ok

it cames out an arcade room off the belgian kermis/foire (a few days ago)

machine starts up and works, but there are some probems with the sensors (in the screen or in the guns, don't sure which of it)

it's not a naomi version but the full version (deluxe?)

Time crisis 2, 2 players, sega

machine starts up and works on both sides
guns are ok, screens are working

complete machine, comes out an arcade hall (since this week)

i have no pictures at the moment

you can do an seriously offer for both games

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glenn pellis
Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 328
Age : 35
City : Ekeren
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2006-12-16

[For Sale] Sega Confidential Mission and sega time crisis 2  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [For Sale] Sega Confidential Mission and sega time crisis 2    [For Sale] Sega Confidential Mission and sega time crisis 2  Clock_9Wed 3 Oct 2012 - 19:42

confidential mission 500€

time crisis 2 800€ (pending with someone)
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[For Sale] Sega Confidential Mission and sega time crisis 2
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