- zitoun wrote:
- Switch both with 2 cf kit :p
this is the reply from any geezer
in english
You have one European Session 2001 and one 2002 version, this will not link L
Also all the mask roms are 100% different as well, so the only real solution is to find another 840-0062C or another 840-0139C.
I do a Compact Flash version of the unreleased 2003 version, which has everything unlock (no more card reader), but it would be very expensive, as you would need to upgrade both sides, actually I think I could convert the 840-0139C version to 2003 version.
I can see if I can find you a cart, I know the 840-0062C version is more common (but that really requires a card reader as only 4 courses are unlocked from a total of 16)
Kind Regards,
Andrew Lewis
Direct Dial 01223 862236
Mobile 07838 622941
Andrew Lewis/AGS/Andy Geezer are no way affiliated with SEGA Enterprises LTD.
From: jan@cafespelenvlaeminck.be [mailto:jan@cafespelenvlaeminck.be]
Sent: 15 November 2011 08:59
To: andy@andygeezerservices.co.uk
Cc: Tim Vlaeminck
Subject: sega club kart european session
hello andy
we are a distributor in belgium of pinballs, videomachines, darts, billiards etc...
we have 2 x CLUB KART EUROPEAN SESSION in our possession, but with different naomi cards...
our question : is it possible to convert, copy one card to another card, so we can link the machines ?
these are the n° on the cards :
older version (with not so many choises of parcours) :
serial n° BDBE 01A0913 version 840-0062C
newer version : serial n° 01A0007 version 840-0139C
it this is possible, can you this for us (or can we do it ourselves ??) and what is the price for the conversion
thanks for replying asap
kindest regards from belgium