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 Interest Check: lindbergh yellow motherboard

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Interest Check: lindbergh yellow motherboard Empty
PostSubject: Interest Check: lindbergh yellow motherboard   Interest Check: lindbergh yellow motherboard Clock_9Tue 15 Nov 2011 - 10:52

I just bought one but seem a too much hard to handle system for what i wanted to play (only one game) so i will sell it after he arrive.

Yellow lindy with i/o board, psu and cables. Price will be around 65000 yen shipping included for the set yellow lindy, psu and i/o board. Need do check the final weight for the full set and after fix the selling price.

Pictures of it later when i got it running at home.



Your direct contact with Japan games shop and yahoo auction:

Interest Check: lindbergh yellow motherboard Bannerjapandealers
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Interest Check: lindbergh yellow motherboard
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