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 Taito GUNMAN Manual/Schematic -

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Number of posts : 2
Age : 51
Country : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2011-09-29

Taito GUNMAN Manual/Schematic -  Empty
PostSubject: Taito GUNMAN Manual/Schematic -    Taito GUNMAN Manual/Schematic -  Clock_9Thu 29 Sep 2011 - 18:59


Does anybody have a manual for TAITO GUNMAN (1977), which is similar to Midway BOOT HILL, but this is a TTL game and has no

The machine has developed a fault and a DESPERATELY need the schematics please!!

This is a rare machine and needs to be fixed and used.

ANY help would be really appreciated.

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Taito GUNMAN Manual/Schematic -  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taito GUNMAN Manual/Schematic -    Taito GUNMAN Manual/Schematic -  Clock_9Thu 29 Sep 2011 - 22:28


Option 1 : If this game is already emulated maybe that the guy who programmed it for mame could help you. He may know what there is inside the pcb.

Option 2 : Did you think about a "brute force repair" ? I mean, remove each ttl chip and test them one by one with a ttl test box (for example a eprom programmer with this function) . Quite insane but in the same way you could improve your technical knowledge and recreat the schematic.

Can you explain the fault ? total black screen, no picture but sound, ... could you post a good picture of this board ?


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