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 Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Empty
PostSubject: Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5   Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Clock_9Tue 24 May 2011 - 0:10

A l'occasion de son festival online, Cave sort une édition limitée de Mushihimesama ver1.5.

Nouveautés de cette version "Cave Matsuri" (Cave Festival):

- possibilité de commencer avec la puissance de tir maximale (attention cependant car les ennemis sont plus aggressifs).
- bande son réarrangée par Riyuu Umemoto (Espgaluda II Black Label/Akai Katana).

Le jeu est fourni dans une boite décorée et avec un poster B1.

Prix: 180.000 Yens (1.560 €)

Dates de vente: 27 et 28 mai de midi à 20h.


To celebrate its online festival, Cave releases a limited edition of Mushihimesama ver1.5.

"Cave Matsuri" (Cave Festival) edition features:

- player can choose to begin with maximum fire power (attention because enemies are harder).
- arranged soundtrack by Riyuu Umemoto (Espgaluda II Black Label/Akai Katana).

The game comes in a nicely designed cardboard box and with a B1 poster.

Price: JPY 180,000 (€1,560 €)

Sales dates: May 27 and 28, from 12:00 to 20:00.


Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1501

Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1502

Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1503

Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1504 Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1505

Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1506 Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1507

Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1508 Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1509

Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1510 Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5 Mscm1511

Pictures: Cave Game Goods Online Shop
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Mushihimesama Cave Festival Version 1.5
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