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 [For Sale] 2 Compact Line cabinets

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glenn pellis
Mega member
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 35
City : Ekeren
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2006-12-16

[For Sale] 2 Compact Line cabinets Empty
PostSubject: [For Sale] 2 Compact Line cabinets   [For Sale] 2 Compact Line cabinets Clock_9Tue 2 Nov 2010 - 20:29

2 x compactline arcade

1 is upstarting, monitor is ok, only the rubber thing on the tube must be checked, or cleaned. stv motherboard + die hard arcade cartridge

the other compactline misses the power supply, there is one as extra but i think it's a non working psu. there is no game inside, don't know of the screen is working

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[For Sale] 2 Compact Line cabinets
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