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 LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?

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LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Empty
PostSubject: LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?   LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Clock_9Fri 9 Apr 2010 - 20:19

I'm just thinking whether it is possible to install an LDC FULL HD in my ATOMISWAVE machine.
I think it should go. Does anyone else experience it with them?
I thought it would provide a better picture for my Shmups games.
It could have been better connections to other consoles. What do you think.
Thank you. Question
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Mega member
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LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?   LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Clock_9Sat 10 Apr 2010 - 14:23

LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Lcdatomiswave

I think if the size is right and the holes are drilled it would fit in the frame. If it Geth it's a supper thing. Get it time to measure precisely.
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Number of posts : 6473
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?   LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Clock_9Mon 12 Apr 2010 - 21:15

Well, if it's to play the Type X games, it's ok. But it won't look good with older titles... Shit

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LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?   LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Clock_9Mon 12 Apr 2010 - 21:20

Nomax wrote:
Well, if it's to play the Type X games, it's ok. But it won't look good with older titles... Shit
find my Saturn with Shmups looks on my 52 inch Samsung LCD FULL HD
quite well. Yes, the Taito Mobo with Kof's probably a good choice.
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Mega member
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LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?   LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Clock_9Mon 12 Apr 2010 - 21:39

I will try it ...if it fits in the Cab . study
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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?   LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Clock_9Mon 12 Apr 2010 - 21:53

Beware of certain frequencies though... LCD arcade panels supports those but many HD TVs don't so there are chances that KOF XII gives you a black screen.

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LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?   LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Clock_9Mon 12 Apr 2010 - 21:56

Nomax wrote:
Beware of certain frequencies though... LCD arcade panels supports those but many HD TVs don't so there are chances that KOF XII gives you a black screen.
Confused:what do you mean Question
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LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?   LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ? Clock_9

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LCD in Atomiswave cab ? It is possible ?
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