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 Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?

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3 posters
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Registration date : 2010-02-09

Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Empty
PostSubject: Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?   Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Clock_9Sun 21 Feb 2010 - 17:23

Hello .. are the Overlays for the Cabs copyrighted?
We have a good company to copy and re-produce the overlayartworks
and design our own overlays. if we dont get in trouble with the copyright
we can make them for a good price in good quality Very Happy
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Valued member
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Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?   Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Clock_9Sun 21 Feb 2010 - 21:07

When you say you have a good company, who is it?
Have you a website?

Hurler est le seul moyen que j'ai pour me libérer de ma réalité niquée.

Salle d'arcade et jeux-video sur LIEGE ( )
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Mega member
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Number of posts : 335
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Registration date : 2010-02-09

Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?   Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Clock_9Mon 22 Feb 2010 - 2:31

Hi... yes
Phill Very Happy

Last edited by toomad on Thu 25 Feb 2010 - 12:47; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?   Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Clock_9Mon 22 Feb 2010 - 13:35

As most artwork, it's surely copyrighted. But several people already does arcade artwork reproduction and nobody never had troubles until now...

Visit the website. Wink
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Mega member
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Number of posts : 335
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Registration date : 2010-02-09

Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?   Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Clock_9Mon 22 Feb 2010 - 18:48

Ok nice to hear . Wink
Iff anybody is interested we can make it .

www.bad -taste Very Happy
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Mega member
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Number of posts : 335
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Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?   Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Clock_9Tue 23 Feb 2010 - 17:23

Has anyone Vector Dateien about the overlays we can make some
and test it how it looks ?
Sega New Astro
Sega Blast
Taito Egret 2+3
Sega Astro
Thanks for help Wink
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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?   Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Clock_9Tue 23 Feb 2010 - 18:22

toomad wrote:
Has anyone Vector Dateien about the overlays we can make some
and test it how it looks ?
Sega New Astro
Sega Blast
Taito Egret 2+3
Sega Astro
Thanks for help Wink

Sega Aero City

Taito Egret II

Sega Blast City

Sega Astro City

Sammy Atomiswave (custom) (panel scan not vector)

Sega Naomi

Konami Windy II

SNK Super Neo 29

SNK Super Neo 29 Type II

SNK Candy 25

and many more vectorized arcade artworks:

Visit the website. Wink
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Mega member
Mega member

Number of posts : 335
Age : 47
Country : Germany
Registration date : 2010-02-09

Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?   Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Clock_9Tue 23 Feb 2010 - 18:30

ok fett man i will do some nice shitt .heee.hee
i think it looks great .thanks for it . Wink
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Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?   Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ? Clock_9

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Are the overlyas for candy Cabs copyrighted ?
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