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 [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD...

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4 posters

Number of posts : 14
Age : 45
City : Bredene
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2008-10-21

[Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Empty
PostSubject: [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD...   [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Clock_9Tue 19 Jan 2010 - 23:19

I bought the Arcade PCB of War Gods but it seems my HD is broken..

so i'm looking for another one... can anyone help me ?

or is there any way i could fix this...

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD...   [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Clock_9Wed 20 Jan 2010 - 0:08

starboy wrote:
or is there any way i could fix this...

Yes you can.

I repaired a San Francisco Rush using standard Seagate 1,2 Gb harddisks...
I think that as long as the hardisk is bigger than the data, it's ok.

Better, you can use a CompactFlash CF Card to IDE Hard Disk Adapter Card instead. And use a compact flash card instead of the hard disk.
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Ultimate member
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Number of posts : 1022
Age : 40
City : Liège
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2006-02-13

[Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD...   [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Clock_9Wed 20 Jan 2010 - 21:52

so you save yourself from mechanical nightmare Smile
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Number of posts : 38
Age : 51
City : Namur
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2009-10-11

[Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD...   [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Clock_9Wed 3 Feb 2010 - 21:01

Be careful if you use a HDD to big.

I repair a Maximum Force game with a 8gb HDD and the game reset sometimes when there was to many sprites on the screen.

With a 4,3Gb HDD it's ok.

Probably the first one use to many power for the PCB.
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Ultimate member
Ultimate member

Number of posts : 1022
Age : 40
City : Liège
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2006-02-13

[Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD...   [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Clock_9Wed 3 Feb 2010 - 22:07

Spip wrote:
Be careful if you use a HDD to big.

I repair a Maximum Force game with a 8gb HDD and the game reset sometimes when there was to many sprites on the screen.

With a 4,3Gb HDD it's ok.

Probably the first one use to many power for the PCB.

Probably the controller on the pcb was designed to handle the precise same type as the legit hdd?
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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

[Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD...   [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Clock_9Wed 3 Feb 2010 - 23:02

footix wrote:
Probably the controller on the pcb was designed to handle the precise same type as the legit hdd?

It probably just couldn't handle large disks correctly. If you remember, we had the same problem with our PC motherboards at the time...
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[Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD...   [Wanted] Midway War Gods HD... Clock_9

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[Wanted] Midway War Gods HD...
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