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 Side by Side from Taito

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2 posters
glenn pellis
Mega member
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 35
City : Ekeren
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2006-12-16

Side by Side from Taito Empty
PostSubject: Side by Side from Taito   Side by Side from Taito Clock_9Wed 19 Aug 2009 - 0:35

i have a 1p side by side racer from taito,

machine starts up but i hear no sound.

where can i set the volume?

and my monitor have some bad pixels? monitor not good?

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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

Side by Side from Taito Empty
PostSubject: Re: Side by Side from Taito   Side by Side from Taito Clock_9Wed 19 Aug 2009 - 13:32

glenn pellis wrote:

machine starts up but i hear no sound.

where can i set the volume?

Can't you set it in test mode? (little white round push button on PCB)

Most of the time on Taito boards, you have a potentiometer (sort of turning knob) that controls volume (caution because sometimes this beast sets the voltage).

glenn pellis wrote:
and my monitor have some bad pixels? monitor not good?

This is quite rare on CRT monitors but it can happen that a small dust appears behind the beam and the screen, occulting a small part of it. You can't do nothing about it except hitting hard the sides of the machine to try moving the dust. Confused

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Side by Side from Taito
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