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 [Selling] for Wangan turning card [main card MT3 version]

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Number of posts : 1
Age : 34
Country : Hong Kong
Registration date : 2009-07-17

[Selling] for Wangan turning card  [main card MT3 version] Empty
PostSubject: [Selling] for Wangan turning card [main card MT3 version]   [Selling] for Wangan turning card  [main card MT3 version] Clock_9Fri 17 Jul 2009 - 12:46

the website

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 DX

New Card With Your Name + 820HP



8191 star car list

[your name+full dress+full outurn ] fd3s red s8 8191star 97xxxkm

[your name+full dress+full outurn] fd3s white S8 8191star 16xxxxkm

[your name+full dress+full outurn] Evo8 Gsr red s8 8191star 13xxx km

[your name+full dress+full outurn] GDB-C white s8 8191star 16xxxxkm

[your name+full dress+full outurn] GDB-C Red 8191star 98xxxkm

[your name+full dress+full outurn] rx8 black s8 8191star 98xxxkm

[your name+full dress+full outurn] R32 red s8 8191star 98xxxkm

[your name+full dress+full outurn] R34 white S8 8191star 98xxxkm

[your name+full dress+full outurn] S30 blue S8 8191star 98xxxkm

8191 star 1 card 25 usd .

if you buy 2 card 40 usd

if you buy 3card 50 usd

if you buy all of 8191 star car 120 usd

the price is include the shipping .



[your name+full dress] EVO9 white 4xxstar B2class

[your name+full dress] EVO9 white 6xxstar A9 class

[your name+full dress] EVO9 white 90star B5 class

[your name+full dress+full outurn] EVO9 white 6xxstar A4class

[your name+full dress+full outurn] EVO9 red 25xx star S4 class

[your name+full dress+full outurn]EVO9 red 1xxx star S8 class

[your name+full dress] EVO8 B2 class 12xx star white

[your name+full dress+full outurn] EVO8 A3 class 13xx star white

[your name+full dress] EVO3 white B4 class

[your name+full dress] EVO6 black B5 class



[your name+full dress]FC3S black 400 star b3 class 11xxx km

[your name+full dress+full outurn]rx8 white 12xxstar B3class

[your name+full dress+full outurn] M6 red 0 star A8class

[your name+full dress] fd3s yellow b4 class 28x star



[your name+full dress] R32 black 44xx star A9 class 73xxxkm

[your name+full dress+full outurn] R32 black 44xxstar A1class

[your name+full dress] R34 white 490star B3 class 33xxxkm

[your name+full dress] R33 3x star black b6 class

[your name+full dress] Z31 0 star b7 class 21xxkm

[your name+full dress] z33 b2 class

[your name+full dress] z33 19xxstar b2 class white

[your name+full dress] S30 blue 25star b6 class

[your name+full dress+full outurn]s15 A5class 17xstar 71xxkm



[your name+full dress] GDB-F white 50 star b5 class

[your name+full dress] GDB-C blue 700 star b3 class

[your name+full dress] GC8 grey 4xx star B3 class

[your name+full dress+full outurn] Gc8 grey A4 class 4xx star

[your name+full dress+full outurn] Svx A7 class grey 2x star

[your name+full dress+full outurn] R2 b1 class 1xstar green



[your name+full dress+full outurn] supra 80 A8 class x star white

[your name+full dress+full outurn] v300[taxi] A8 class x star

[your name+full dress] Hiace B7 class x star

[your name+full dress] MR2 0 star b7 class red

[your name+full dress+full outurn] Mr2 A3 class 11xx star white

[your name+full dress] chaser b7 class white 1x star

20usd 1 card . if you buy more . you can get the discount .

the price is include the shipping .


P.S i will send by register letter and give the tracking number . you can know the card where in


- Item would be received within 7 - 10 business days from shipping day

how can you do the payment?

we accept paypal . this is safe and fast .

we accept send by mail . you need to face the shipping risk .
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[Selling] for Wangan turning card [main card MT3 version]
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