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 [FS] Konami Jvs-Jamma adaptor+ Jamma pcb's

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Number of posts : 88
Age : 49
Country : Italy
Registration date : 2008-06-18

[FS] Konami Jvs-Jamma adaptor+ Jamma pcb's Empty
PostSubject: [FS] Konami Jvs-Jamma adaptor+ Jamma pcb''s   [FS] Konami Jvs-Jamma adaptor+ Jamma pcb's Clock_9Thu 14 May 2009 - 14:38

I've for sale:
- Konami JVS-JAMMA Adaptor 120€
[FS] Konami Jvs-Jamma adaptor+ Jamma pcb's

I've other pcb's to sell also.

- pcb jamma Hyper Athlete originale Konami 50€
[FS] Konami Jvs-Jamma adaptor+ Jamma pcb's

- pcb jamma cabal originale trackball 40€
[FS] Konami Jvs-Jamma adaptor+ Jamma pcb's

- 2x neogeo motherboard single slot 30€ each one

All is in perfect working condition.

All the prices are with no shipping,so ask me to know the shipping price.
I'm locate in Italy.

Payments by paypal "gift" or add 4% to the price.

You can contact me or on my mail:

That's my feedback:
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[FS] Konami Jvs-Jamma adaptor+ Jamma pcb's
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