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 Knights in the Nightmare

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Kusanagi 95
Mega member
Mega member
Kusanagi 95

Number of posts : 312
Age : 47
City : Cergy -Val D'oise (95)
Country : France
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Knights in the Nightmare Empty
PostSubject: Knights in the Nightmare   Knights in the Nightmare Clock_9Thu 23 Apr 2009 - 14:36

Knights in the Nightmare 4993ff8addac3

Knights in the Nightmare rêve en vidéos et images

Disponible depuis juillet 2008 au Japon, Knights in the Nightmare arrivera un peu moins d'un an plus tard aux Etats-Unis, le 2 juin prochain plus exactement. Sting continue d'assurer la tournée promotionnelle de son Tactical-RPG en distillant deux vidéos inédites, dont un tutorial qui aidera certainement les néophytes à mieux cerner le concept du titre. On précise qu'une fois l'aventure achevée une première fois, il sera alors possible d'incarner le grand méchant loup dans un tout nouveau scénario. Knights in the Nightmare n'a pas encore été annoncé en Europe.

Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-1Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-2Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-3Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-4Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-5
Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-6Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-7Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-8Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-9Knights in the Nightmare 1203337076-10
Knights in the Nightmare 4993fedca8b1bKnights in the Nightmare 4993fee07e9a0Knights in the Nightmare 4993fee3754c8Knights in the Nightmare 4993fee5874cdKnights in the Nightmare 4993fee6b1f9e
Knights in the Nightmare 4993fee7f3c21Knights in the Nightmare 4993fee92eef9Knights in the Nightmare 4993feea76358Knights in the Nightmare 4993feeb8c1e8Knights in the Nightmare 4993feed4c49e
Knights in the Nightmare 49ae5193900e5Knights in the Nightmare 49ae5194d3fbbKnights in the Nightmare 49ae5195bf17bKnights in the Nightmare 49ae51969d090Knights in the Nightmare 49ae51979e72c
Knights in the Nightmare 49ae51985b5b5Knights in the Nightmare 49ae519922b10Knights in the Nightmare 49ae519a132d1Knights in the Nightmare 49ae519b0c309Knights in the Nightmare 49ae519c13ba6
Knights in the Nightmare 49e7261374318Knights in the Nightmare 49e726148f183Knights in the Nightmare 49e726156ab33Knights in the Nightmare 49e7261647b8bKnights in the Nightmare 49e72616f149c
Knights in the Nightmare 49e72617c6604Knights in the Nightmare 49e726187fb05Knights in the Nightmare 49e726193e9fbKnights in the Nightmare 49e7261a4901fKnights in the Nightmare 49e7261b280e7

Sources : Jeux-Actu & Youtube
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