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 Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton

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6 posters

Number of posts : 16
Age : 40
City : Passendale
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2007-04-09

Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9Mon 9 Apr 2007 - 17:49

J'ai un petit question.

Quelle sorte de pushbutton serve au Virtua Striker 2

Type 24 ou Type 30???

Merci de vos reponses Wink
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Number of posts : 21
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Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9Mon 9 Apr 2007 - 18:50


Type 24 = button Start = 2.4cm

Type 30 = button normal = 3cm
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Number of posts : 16
Age : 40
City : Passendale
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2007-04-09

Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9Mon 9 Apr 2007 - 19:07

Un très grand merci.
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Number of posts : 16
Age : 40
City : Passendale
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2007-04-09

Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9Tue 1 May 2007 - 18:23

J'ai quelque Microswitches qui doivent être changer de mon Virtua Striker 2.

Est-ce que quelq'un connaït un site online ou je peut l'acheter?

Merci pour votre response.
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Number of posts : 6473
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Registration date : 2005-01-20

Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9Tue 1 May 2007 - 22:03

Humanfly wrote:
Est-ce que quelq'un connaït un site online ou je peut l'acheter?

Chez Arcade Shop. Wink

Visit the website. Wink
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Valued member
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Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9Mon 25 Jun 2007 - 16:13

il y a aussi Starcab, un super site, dommage qu on ne puisse pas y trouver des peignes jam.
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Number of posts : 16
Age : 40
City : Passendale
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2007-04-09

Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9Tue 26 Jun 2007 - 20:16

Un vraiment problème!!!
J'ai écrit en anglais, parce que mons français n'est pas comme il faut!

I have a Virtua Striker (1) arcade cabinet from 1994 –MODEL 2B CRX HARDWARE –
the game works perfect but doesn’t keep the ranking.

Normally this is the battery who has to be changed.

I think this is the green condensator on the pcb? But I’ve heard of a term “Suicide Battery”, which mean I can’t replace the condensator because my pcb will be destroyed!

Anyone experience or help?

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Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9Tue 26 Jun 2007 - 21:24

the model 2 boards do not have suicide batteries Smile

suicide batteries are batteries that provide power to a little ram containing a key used by a specific cpu to decrypt program roms/cpu instruction/graphics.
that said on so called suicide pcbs, when the battery dies the game leaves with it... some pcb can be brought back to life, some can't...
no worries with model 2 boards, they are suicide free!
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Number of posts : 198
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Registration date : 2007-06-13

Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9Wed 27 Jun 2007 - 0:52

Should I worry if my CPS3 is depressive ?

Ok, ok, ok Too funny
je sors...
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Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton   Virtua Striker 2 - Sorte de Pushbutton Clock_9

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