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 valeur du cassettes neo-geo

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6 posters

Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Thu 29 Mar 2007 - 16:41

De temps en temps je viens chez un exploitant qui a une dizaine (ou plus) des cassettes Neo Geo.
Mais je connais rien de ca - j'ai aucune idee du valeur.
On me les offre a 25 ou 50 euros la piece..

Je sais que quelques jeux ont une grande valeur, des autres vont 5 a 10 euro.. J'ai pas le temps ou interesse pour suivre ebay et noter des prix.

Pouvez vous m'indiquer quels jeux sont interessant + prix moyen ?
Quelqu'un ici qui cherche encore un jeux speficique ?
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Number of posts : 168
Age : 45
City : 30 min de la Belgique
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Registration date : 2007-02-02

valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Thu 29 Mar 2007 - 17:02

oui un pleasure goal Laughing possible Exclamation
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valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Thu 29 Mar 2007 - 17:14

Je cherches un metal slug 4
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valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Thu 29 Mar 2007 - 19:19

Salut Aeneas,

AS-tu eventuellement une petite liste des jeux dispo ?

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Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Thu 29 Mar 2007 - 21:14

Macklane: la semaine prochaine je vais a 1 exploitant et je vois regarder ce qu'il a..

mais je suis interesse a une liste des neo geos interessant que je peut prendre ave moi si je vais a des autres exploitants..
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City : Musson
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Registration date : 2005-03-16

valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Fri 30 Mar 2007 - 15:48

Ce qui est interessant pour une personne peu ne pas l'etre pour une autre et vice versa. C'est pourquoi, demander une liste de jeux "interessants" n'as pas beacoup de sens. Tu devrais plutot, toi faire une liste de ce qui est disponible et les gens interesses te contacteront en fonctions des titres dispos.
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Number of posts : 168
Age : 45
City : 30 min de la Belgique
Country : France
Registration date : 2007-02-02

valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Fri 30 Mar 2007 - 17:03

en effet cheers tout simplement Laughing
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Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Sun 1 Apr 2007 - 22:02

I'm going to answer in english because I can't explain it well in french.

The problem is I usually can't write down a list, ask here what it's worth and go back to the seller.
Most of the time I see a lot of neogeos (usually 10 to 20, sometimes up to 50 and more) for sale at someone where I buy a pinball or parts, and I usually just don't go there again (not within the next months).
Or it's a 100km or more trip and I will not go there again to only negotiate about the neogeos.
I remember when I bought my Roadshow, the operator even had some cassettes with only japanese signs.. I'm not going to write these down !

So 90 percent of the time when I can buy neogeos it goes like this:
I go for pinballs to an operator that I did not visit before, he asks if I'm interested in NeoGeo cassets and now I always say no.. because I have no idea what to offer him and what an average price is.

It's not that I need to know maximum prices, I'm not interested in starting an ebay shop and selling them one for the maximum.. it's more to have an idea of there is something in there that people look for and if I can sell them quick.
I don't want to buy them for 20 euro each and be stuck with them if they are only worth 10 euro..
On the other hand I don't want to offend the seller by only offering like 5 euro each, because he probably wants a lot more.

So it's to have an idea, if someone offers me a lot of say 20 games, what I can give for them, or if there are like 5 interesting titles that I can only buy these.
If it's too difficult to give a list of what's average, then no problem and I'll stick to pinballs..
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Number of posts : 31
City : Antwerpen
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-02-16

valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Mon 2 Apr 2007 - 7:27

Other related question: is there still a lot of demand for jamma boards, or is no-one interested anymore because you all have mame ?
It's that I know an operator with a few 100 boards, don't know what's there, don't know if it's worth my time..
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Number of posts : 6473
Age : 43
City : Andenne
Country : Belgium
Registration date : 2005-01-20

valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9Mon 2 Apr 2007 - 7:30

For those who like to put prices on carts, here's the price guide that was used for reference in the past years:

Prices are listed in USD. Here's a converter:

By the way, this is only a rough guide since it lists prices generally seen on the US second hand market. It may differ greatly from figures seen in Europe because a rare cart in US can be common in Europe. But at least you can see that Metal Slug worthes more than Art of Fighting... Wink

Visit the website. Wink
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valeur du cassettes neo-geo Empty
PostSubject: Re: valeur du cassettes neo-geo   valeur du cassettes neo-geo Clock_9

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valeur du cassettes neo-geo
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